Janet Biggs | How The Light Gets In

Date: July 18 2019
Location: New Museum theatre, New York, NY 10002

Hyphen Hub is proud to have introduced a special preview of Janet Biggs’ new multimedia performance How the Light Gets In in July 2019 which explored the relationship between–and intersection of–humans and technology through shared creative production.

Janet Biggs is a Brooklyn-based artist primarily known for her work in video, photography, and performance. Biggs’ work navigates the territory between art, science and technology, often involving extreme environments and situations.

How the Light Gets In featured drummer Jason Barnes and marathon runner Brian Reynolds. Jason Barnes lost his right arm in a workplace accident. Following the accident he was fitted with a robotic arm developed by Gil Weinberg, founding director of the Georgia Tech Center for Music Technology. With two drumsticks situated on his robotic arm, one controlled by Barnes and one by Artificial Intelligence which improvises off Barnes’ drumming, Barnes is able to drum faster than what is humanly possible. Brian Reynolds is a record holding marathon runner who also happens to be a double (below-the-knee) amputee. Reynolds is equipped with carbon fiber running legs, or blades, that allow him to run with ease.

Also featured in the performance was singer/dancer Mary Esther Carter who sang alongside A.I. Anne, an Artificial Intelligence, computer generated voice developed by music technologist Richard Savery, alongside violinists Earl Maneein and Mylez Gittens. Maneein is a heavy-metal violinist who has also performed baroque, bluegrass and jazz music with musicians ranging from Jay-Z to the Strokes. Gittens came to New York from Barbados with an extensive background in jazz and fusion.

For this performance, Janet worked with Richard Savery from Georgia Tech who developed all the technology for this event. He developed sensors that pick up the percussive beats of Brian’s running blades as well as his bio feedback, which act as triggers to control Jason’s bionic arm. How the Light Gets In created an unforgettable, otherworldly experience that explored the relationship and potential of human and machine collaborations.

The event was moderated by Georgia Frances King.

Hyphen Hub is proud to have had a hand in bringing all of these brilliant artists, musicians, engineers, and athletes together to create such an astounding performance.