Daniel Neumann | HyphenHub Community

Daniel Neumann is a Brooklyn-based sound artist, organizer and audio engineer, originally from Germany. He holds a master’s degree in media art from the Academy of Visual Art Leipzig and also studied electronic music composition under Emanuele Casale in Catania, Italy. In his artistic practice he is using conceptual and often collaborative strategies to explore sound, sound material and its modulation through space, situation and media. Curatorially he runs an event series in NYC and Berlin that engages in spatial sound works and focussed listening.

As an audio engineer a special field he has been tackling in the past years are concerts featuring electroacoustic music and multi-channel live audio. These concerts usually require a complex speaker setup, unusual miking techniques for instruments and high quality sound reinforcement. “Each piece has very different challenges and approaches, which is why I’m constantly fascinated by them.”

As a part of the visual arts section of the 2019 International Festival of the Image (curated by HyphenHub), Daniel Neumann presented a new electro-acoustic performance developed in collaboration with artist Richard Garet.